
Darkorbit levels
Darkorbit levels


  • The benefits from Premium and/or Rebate will reduce the listed costs as per standard.
  • Deerli forum kullanclar, Bu forumda aktif olabilmen için öncelikle oyun hesabna giri yapman gerek, aksi taktirde foruma ulaamassn.


    more damage for lasers/rockets, higher amounts for Honor/Experience/Damage boosters, etc). nasl pro lazerleri alabilirim Konusu Yeni Balayanlar forumundadr ve qRossX tarafndan Dün 22:29 balatlmtr. The BONUS applied to External Modules is an increase to the effectiveness of that item (eg.External Modules are any types which are placed in the surrounding 8 modules of the CBS.Internal Modules are the Deflector Module, and the Hull Module.SHLD Bonus applies to all shield types, and all drone types.DMG Bonus applies to all laser types, the Hellstorm Rocket Launcher, and all drone types.The bonuses provided for upgraded equipment are different for Uridium-cost items, Credit-cost items, and Modules.

    darkorbit levels

    (Based on statistical probability - actual results may vary).

  • The highlighted cells indicate the most cost-effective option for upgrade.
  • darkorbit levels


    Total cost to upgrade one External Module to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 268,500 Uridium Total cost to upgrade one Internal Module to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 402,750 Uridium Total cost to upgrade one Credit item to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 581,625,000 Credits Total cost to upgrade one Uridium item to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 104,250 Uridium Upgrading only important items such as Iris, LF-4's, B02's, and Hellstorm 2 rocket launcher So if you had a laser upgraded to 0.8% for example, you would be doing 151.2 damage with that laser. So if you were to upgrade an LF-3 laser and it does 0.4% more damage, then that would be 150 x 100.4% which would equal 150.6. When you are upgrading an item, the percentage of damage/shield will increase. Uridium bought items cost uridium to upgrade, while credit bought items cost credits to upgrade. The maximum LF-3 upgrade adds +9 LF-3 damage. Maximum level of items is 16, because they may be upgraded 15 times from level 1 (as shown above). Begin your journey through space in DarkOrbit by selecting one of three rival factions - each replete with their own philosophy of achieving victory in this interstellar fight. You can spend additional Uridium to purchase upgrade boosts to increase the chance of the upgrade attempt by 5%, to a maximum of 100% (will result in the item being upgraded). Every successful upgrade you do to an item increases the damage/shield bonus of the item. Item Upgrading is a feature that enables you to upgrade any lasers, rocket launchers, shield generators, drones, and Clan Battle Station modules that you have.

  • With plans of adding many more and I would like to see what others you would want to see, so please suggest below. Hall of Times - Shows fastest gate times across servers with bugged times removed.

    darkorbit levels

    The leaderboards have been updated and new ones have been added such as:

    darkorbit levels

    The new Hall Of Fame, this is where I came into the mix. This meaning all the statistics shown, are minimum values. Unfortunately you know darkorbit and they can never do anything right, they only display 100 users maximum in the chat so therefore servers with more than 100 users in that chat region, will only show 100 max. The game represents the set of levels, and it becomes tougher as you. The new website tracks the flow of users in the chat across the 19 darkorbit servers. DarkOrbit is one of the best Free-to-Play Space Exploration and MMO video game. If you enjoy this game and wish to find new players to.After long consideration, Bonge and I decided to put in the work and bring dostats back alive. Access to Maps X-3 and X-4 in enemy territory. R/darkorbit: This subreddit is for people who play an MMORPG Broswer game called DarkOrbit. Your level: Level 01: Access to Maps X-1 and X-2 of your own company.

    Darkorbit levels